About Me

- David Geertz
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Founder of SoKap, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding go to guy, indie filmmaker, father, mustard maker, meat lover, pseudo vegetarian, devout humanist and overall good moralist.
Dec 4, 2008
Producers beware during the crunch
The answer...THE CREDIT CRUNCH. Sony had no money of their own to put into the P&A fund.
Someone's either lyin' their ass off or some company is really hurting. In any case this film should not have been made without bullet proof contracts from the producers and/or the distributor. I can tell you now....that's 22MUSD in the toilet.
Do your due diligence and don't put money up without the other side putting some skin in the game.
credit crunch my ass....
Nov 13, 2008
good film investment during the crunch
There are new funds out there that offer investors the opportunity of interim financing soft monies that are guaranteed by local, and federal governments.
Basically if Joe has a film that has a tax rebate program attached to his film, the bank would normally fund these up front; however, with the credit crunch causing havoc, private lenders are now doing this with good success and ROI.
Joe is making his 2M dollar indie and the region he is shooting in provides a 25% tax credit of lets say an even 500K.
Joe can make the film over a period of 40 weeks before the post audit is performed and the delivery time of the refund is about 10 weeks. Lets just round it out to a year for this example.
Joe goes to the fund and the fund gives him 85% LTV on the 500K, and once he issues his statements the government issues him 100% of the rebate. That's a 15% ROI on investment people and that is guaranteed by government!
Joe gets his film made...you help him out...and make 15%!
give me a holler if you want to find out where and who administers these funds in Canada and the US.
Sep 28, 2008
Murdoch and Syme Capital Partners set to launch new film financing method
The fund is privately managed, and is expected to fund 3- 5 films per year in the 8-20MUSD range.
The way the fund is set up and managed, investors will see better than average returns, annual dividends, and early liquidity options.
If you are a filmmaker or film investor, and would like more information on the fund you can contact me at the fund as I will be involved with the marketing off it at david@murdochsyme.com
Please outline in your email if you are an investor or a filmmaker with a project.
Jun 27, 2008
update on P3V fund
May 26, 2008
Leveraged Funds a WIN WIN in film funding.
Apr 26, 2008
Interior Studios Tax Credit deal for VFX driven shows
Apr 2, 2008
Off Shore Service Deals
Feb 26, 2008
assumed fee - realistic fee = equity
I'm going to use the equation AF-RF= E. This basically means I am going to get rate card quotes on the work from my crew and then subtract the rate I'm actually going to pay them to come to an equity ownership number that will be based on 1 dollar equaling 1 unit of equity. All of these equity units added up will equal up to a maximum of 30% of the films value. I am then going to keep 20% for myself and give 50% away to the funders of the project on a straight pari pasu agreement on every dollar coming in.
By having your crew truly involved in the upside I do think you will benefit in viral campaigns. My crew on this film will be around 50 people. That's not a lot but it is enough to begin a successful campaign on a low budget film.
This technique will be used for all expenditures, not just labour. If someone quotes me 200/night for a hotel room...i'll request 75/night and give them 125 shares of the project. If they say no...i'll take my business elsewhere until I can meet my budget and find the right partners in production.
This is not a new idea, but one has not been successful in the past due to restrictive distribution methods. With online and non exclusive deals being signed with hundreds of marketers per project this method may lead the way to increased interest and involvement in independent film making
So I'm looking for a VFX house....any takers?
Feb 15, 2008
pseudo metcalfe experiment
In the world of film piracy where most of the complaints come from people who feel:
1. They are being gouged on ticket and DVD prices from studios and that they are not getting value for their money, and
2. Overseas economies are having to pay up to a days or sometimes a weeks wages to have access to quality cinema....
there is a need to offer incentives to go to the cinema again, all the while creating the funding for the movie so that it can get made with the best available skilled people.
If one person was able to own a fractional piece of a film by pre-buying this film at a set price of say 10 dollars, and then as a result of that was given the right to market the finished film at a reduced price to the audience at fair market value as the film would essentially be debt free at delivery....and lets say that person was rewarded an affiliate coupon for doing this work at say 10% of the purchase price...lets do the math.
Tom is one of 500,000 people who pre-buy the next Philip Seymour Hoffman movie at 10 bucks thus making the film funded to the amount of 5MUSD.
Tom knows, and his friends know that they can buy the finished film off Tom for 5 bucks once the movies is finished and Tom receives .50 cents for his effort. If Tom attracts 20 friends he can now take that 10 dollars and put it back into the system or use it to purchase other goods in the media cycle.
If enough people play this game then most people can have access to films they want to see and are also fractional owners...which makes them aware of piracy and how destructive it can be as they will be affected by it albeit at a micro level.
This is part of the Biracy Movement and is what we are building online. We are not visible as of yet but if this interests you...reach out and tell me your thoughts.
Feb 8, 2008
My wine project
Skaha Cellars & Resort Limited Partnership (the “LP”) has been formed for the purpose of developing a very unique 103 Acre environmental gem parcel of land in Okanagan Falls B.C. The Limited Partnership expects to develop the property in a phased manner. At the completion of each phase of development a review of alternatives and their potential returns will be made to ensure maximum return to the partners while limiting financial exposure. The complete plan includes the following stages:
Plant approximately 28 acres of vineyard;
Develop an international wine brand with our own grapes, together with grape suppliers from South America, Europe, Australia and the United States;
Develop an environmental best practices hotel/spa/condo complex, of approximately 80 rooms / units; and
Develop a unique wine sales facility.
Up to $10,000,000 (Minimum $5,000,000) for acquisition, planting of vineyard, development of wine brand, planning and infrastructure development for hotel/spa/condo complex.
The property is comprised of three distinct areas, with separate zoning potential:
Approximately 28 acres of Agricultural Land Reserve, Class 1 grape land, which requires some contouring to eliminate frost pockets and ensure maximum potential for the land;
Approximately 15 acres of flat valley bottom. The valley is suitable for planting grapes or development as residential (requires rezoning), commercial (currently zoned specialized commercial) or vineyard (an allowed used under current zoning); and
Approximately 60 acres of rocky hillside, surrounding the 15 acre parcel on three sides, which should be a protected area for mountain sheep habitat and lambing area. This parcel is also zoned specialized commercial.
Subdivision of the property into three lots, to segregate the 28 acres of agricultural land (two lots - zoned agricultural) and the remaining upland and valley areas zoned specialized commercial, has been approved by the regional district. Rezoning is only subject to approval of a restrictive covenant preventing building on the sheep habitat on the upper portion of the property.
Land Discussions are underway with the Province of BC about “swapping” the upland portion of the property for adjacent level crown land. The land acquired by such a swap must be used for commercial development, such as an addition to the hotel / spa.
Brand As Okanagan wines become more mature and available on the global market, their limited availability compared to other regions makes them more desirable as demand increases and supply is limited. Additionally, having the Brand represent the concerns of the planet and be supported by media people with reach, will drive the brand equity component of the Project making it desirable for travelers and investors alike to visit the Project once completed.
Phase I – Acquisition and Planning
Land acquisition and related costs $ 2,565,000
Contouring of agricultural land 250,000
Planting 28 acres 700,000
Subdivision / rezoning (no residential or crown land acquisition) 100,000
Contingency 385,000
Total Phase I $ 4,000,000
Phase IIA – No Residential or Commercial Development
Phase I Costs $ 4,000,000
Plant 14 acres 350,000
Contingency 150,000
Total Costs – Phase IIA $ 4,500,000
Phase IIB – Residential / Commercial Development (will require additional funds)
Phase I Costs $ 4,000,000
Infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, hydro, telephone) 3,500,000
Construction (portion of first 50 Units) 2,500,000
Total Costs – Phase IIB $ 10,000,000
Sell at Phase IIA
42 acres of planted vineyard $ 7,350,000
Total Costs to Phase IIA 4,500,000
Estimated profit - 3 to 4 year time frame $ 2,850,000
Sell at Phase IIB
Approximately 50 Units $ 33,500,000
28 acres of planted vineyard 4,900,000
Total Costs to Phase IIB 28,000,000
Estimated Profit – 3 to 4 year time frame $ 10,400,000
Murray Swales, CA; 604-209-5994; swales@telus.net
Feb 1, 2008
Semantic Web Film Trust
from Trust in Social Networks
hundreds of millions of user accounts among them. One added
benefit of these networks is that they allow users to encode more
information about their relationships than just stating who they
know. In this work, we are particularly interested in trust
relationships, and how they can be used in designing interfaces. In
this paper, we present FilmTrust, a website that uses trust in webbased
social networks to create predictive movie recommendations.
Using the FilmTrust system as a foundation, we show that these
recommendations are more accurate than other techniques when the
user's opinions about a film are divergent from the average. We
discuss this technique both as an application of social network
analysis, as well as how it suggests other analyses that can be
performed to help improve collaborative filtering algorithms of all
Jan 28, 2008
agreements for leverage (a must have for all indies)
The money people want to see a star before they commit and will not sign conditional letters until that time. Where does this leave you as a producer?
My belief is that it starts with the Stars and Agents. Lets use this analogy:
The Script is a piece of dirt that was optioned by a producer or in this case a land developer. The agent is the person who represents the star or in this case the aesthetic treatment of what is going on the dirt. The agent may also represent the architect and the general contractor (director and line producer/PM). Knowing that it is in the best interest of his clients to be on this dirt he goes out of his way to ensure that the funding groups will like the project by "working" on a deal that afterwards can be sold into production and eventually marketing.
This agreement to leverage stars can be done simply by putting a one sheet deal memo of understanding together based on completion of funding, availability of said star at a sliding scale based on monies raised.
If the star is a big shot then the price of the unit sale will increase with demand and the option for that star to earn additional monies will be made upon performance. After all they are performers so should they not "perform" for earnings?
Why should anyone, be on the hook financially more than anyone else in such a risky business that is changing as we speak in areas like distribution, fees, transparency, and DRM.
If Agents and Stars would think like real estate people in that deal flow is the way to keep this business alive and that stars need to be working 300 days a year, instead of 100 at 10X the cost...we'd all be in a better place. This of course could be done if one "universal" agreement on leverage was created.
If anyone with an entertainment law degree wants to work on this with me I would be grateful. I'm not holding my breathe though...most agents are lawyers and its all about billable hours.
Jan 22, 2008
four eyed monsters collateral
If for example 10,000 people in say 10 cities agreed to see the film, could you not discount the producers take to say 4 bucks an admission and multiply it 40% to come to a number of that would enable the producers to finance their film? I mean 16K is not a lot of money but what if the numbers grew and you started to see box office commitments of 10,000,000 people on a film with a 2 million dollar budget?
Look for this method to come alive on the new site we will be launching soon!
Jan 17, 2008
Film Finance Method #1
The challenge was to create a vehicle for people to to invest into. hmmmmmm......
1. I joined the board of directors of the local film festival that has a charity status.
2. I then vended in the script to the charity so that the charity owns the copyright of the project.
3. I then set up deal with business development vendors to supply services to the film at rate card price for a full tax receipt on the donation of goods to the film.
4. Now I am raising the equity through donations to the film for hard costs.
As the films budget is based on a 3 week prep, 2 week production and TBA post period, I know that with community volunteers the films hard budget will cost around 125K.
The deal I am making with the charity for doing this is a split with them and a new foundation I have created that will use the accrued annuity to provide outside producers with experience to come to our town and use our crew for an additional non recoupable grant to their film. This of course increases the economy here in our town and the skills of people who have the desire to grow in this industry.
As for the film itself...if it receives well it will provide the ongoing capital to do this 3-4 more times before the local government says enough (this is what we discussed) and that our fair city should be seasoned enough to stand on their own to fund additional projects with regular distributors.
Jan 15, 2008
equity V deferral
The producer of course, in most cases never sees a profit and that is why deferred payment is becoming a contentious word and issue with talented crafts people in the industry of media production.
That being said, as budgets shrink and piracy looms how do you make it comfortable for crew to invest time (key word being invest) into a potential cash flow positive film?
Over here at B=X we are developing that model. So...if you are a media person, join this blog and tell me a bit about yourself. I need about 1000 people to sign up for our beta which will be launching soon.
thanks and stay tuned for more updates on the BIRACY movement.
Jan 10, 2008
Script Coverage Writers Needed!
We are conducting an experiment to determine if aggregating script coverage that is given a numerical value can be used in cooperation with other empirical data to predict a films chance for success. Other groups have tried this in the past, some with writers involved without other data and some basing it merely on the writers comments. We feel that as film is a collaborative process there needs to be a combination of all values that go into the equation. Our problem is: What is the weight of each variable?
All people that participate in the BETA will be given an equal share in the revenue off of the first film that is selected by this mechanism. If this interests you or you know of someone who might find this an innovative idea please have them contact me here at the Blog or at district35@hotmail.com
Please be sure to include your name and contact info so that we may contact you to discuss our process.
Jan 5, 2008
crunchy development
Ian Ayres - Author of Supercrunchers
After continuing my own research on the ability to predetermine whether a film has an increased probability of ROI after it has been crunched from a series of data sets pertaining to the films content, producers, locations and about 47 other variables...I now know that very soon I should be able to deliver the first method of motion picture development that starts and ends with crunching data. Not to say that there are intuitive bits that are then converted into data to create a balanced approach to the overall equation, but the majority of the results thus far are beginning to look like they stem from empirical data sets.
This of course is being done as over the years as the "value" of cinema and motion pictures quickly plummets towards ZERO, there is a concern as to how movies will get funded in the future with piracy reaching levels of close to 7 Billion USD this year.
Banks, Funds, Studios, and Distributors will be looking for better reasons to put money into films that cost 100M+ dollars and this will be one of those ways to predicate whether it has the chance of making it in world after the pirates have had at it.
B=X is my blog and B is for Biracy, a movement that I have created to reinvent the ownership structure, financing and delivery of media based projects. X is the multiple or rate of return a project has once it has been inside this system.
Stay tuned for more updates....